Saturday, April 01, 2006

Priest Talk

Fr. Bruno on life, love and joy

I’m happy to write a few lines for the 1st of this new newsletter that will surely help connect all the youths in our parish. And as I’ll soon leave for India (to study Tamil for 2 years before coming back to Singapore), I wish you all the best for what you have started and will start here for the youth, so that they can discover more and more how much God loves them.
It’s a never-ending journey, and it’s always amazing! Some people spend their life travelling around the world, or trying all the new things they can try (in whatever area you wish to imagine), actually they are all looking for the same thing: this Source that we come from, this Love without who we can’t live: the Trinity-God revealed in Jesus Christ!
Following my French bishop, I’d like to give you 3 points. I wish all of you to discover this beautiful life in you and be its witnesses!

1) God is life, love, joy.
If you hear something else from someone,

- either he is wrong:
Many people think that “God’s will” means suffering… No! God is only love, can only give love and can only wish love. (If you find something different in the Bible, that means those who wrote still didn’t discover the real God.) Now, if we really love, we can’t escape suffering… that’s a human truth! But we don’t look for the suffering; we look for life, love and joy.
- or you didn’t understand what’s real joy:

There’s a lot of misunderstanding about what the Church says (or should say) about sexuality. Sexuality should always be seen inside the larger sexual relationship between 2 persons wishing to share in all the dimensions of their being: it takes time!
But if you find that there is not enough life, love and joy in the Church, then we are waiting for you to bring some more!
2) Christian life always has 3 dimensions:

- Priest:
To pray, to celebrate God’s love in the sacraments and in all areas of life.

- Prophet:
To announce (and read, study) the Word of God, the Good News, to all!

- King:
To serve the society, our brothers and sisters.

We find them in the mass: the liturgy gathers us to listen to the Word of God (Bible) and give thanks (Eucharist), and sends us to the world!
We find them in the 3 focuses of Lent: prayer, fast, sharing. The relationship with God, with myself, with the others.
3) A simple “evening prayer” or “family prayer” can be around these 3 words: thank you, sorry, please. And, as prayer is always a relationship, a 4th word: “I love you”! And then the silence in which you can hear the Word: “You are my beloved child. Come, follow me!”


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