Thursday, March 01, 2007

Fonz on Lent

Greetings to all Juvenis and those Juvenis at heart! What is “Juvenis”? Juvenis is Latin for Youth. In the season of Lent, the Mother Church gives us these 3 spiritual exercises: Fasting, Almsgiving & Prayer, to help us overcome the devil’s temptations.


Many of us think “fasting” means fasting from food or that we eat our food faster. Actually “fasting” does not mean totally not eating but reducing the amount of time we spend on food, and material or physical pleasures such as LAN gaming, going for parties. It means exercising self-control.


“The Christian’s programme – the programme of the Good Samaritan, the programme of Jesus- is ‘a heart which sees’. This heart sees where love is needed and acts according[ly].” - Pope Benedict XVI in his encyclical Deus Caritas Est


“Action is worth nothing without Prayer: Prayer grows in value with sacrifice.” - St Josemarìa Escrivá

Without prayer, it is difficult to exercise Fasting & Almsgiving.

This year, the Youth Ministries from our parish have planned lots of activities and events for all the youths, and, not to forget, the adults from our parish. So I invite you to come and experience our activities and events with us. What are YOU waiting for? “Come and See” John1:39.

Yours in Christ


Youth Council President



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