Sunday, June 24, 2007

Youth Ministry Diary - June '07

By David Wong
The Youth Ministry has been very busy of late. Our various activities since the last issue include a fund-raising car wash, praise & worship sessions, youth mass, canteen duty and a spectacular Passion Play on Good Friday. These events cemented many friendships and gave the youth a chance to work together for our church community.

Fund-raising Car Wash

Our fund-raising car wash was a first in Holy Trinity and we raised a total of $4204.75. Though many of us had to wake up as early as six in the morning on Sunday to prepare for the car wash, it was a memorable event for many. According to Juliana Teo, a participant: "it was fun and very enjoyable despite having to wash a car with a lot of bird shit, dirt and stains on it." She also mentioned a van that was so high it took one person climbing on top of another to clean the roof!

Passion Play

The Passion Play was also a new experience for the youth. Rehearsals began more than a month before the event with Fr. Bosco as director. Our zealous efforts paid off with a touching performance on the evening of Good Friday. Parishioners gave feedback that the play was very moving, and many shed tears while watching the re-enactment of Jesus on the cross. One commented that the very real and horrific sound of the whips helped to create an emotional scene.

Members of the cast reflected that this Passion Play gave them a deeper insight into the suffering of Christ during his passion. Many of them hope to be part of the Passion Play again next year.



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